Sunday, November 12, 2006


These are the days of Do –It _Yourself kits…. So if no one tags you, tag yourself and that’s it! I mean You are it.
Here goes my meme:

I am thinking about...
Writing more- like you veteran bloggers out there!
I said...
If you can not fight ’em, join them.
I want to...
visit Rome …… and Vatican.
I wish...
the world is a happier place to live in!
I miss...
my childhood. Things were so uncomplicated then.
I hear...
and also listen when people talk to me.
I wonder...
why I am unable to build up a good readership of my blog.
I regret...
Not being able to say ‘No’ to people without regret…or guilt.
I am...
basically an honest person.
I dance...
in my dreams.
I sing...
along with the radio or tapes or mp3 files. Never in the bathroom.
I cry...
when I watch a sentimental movie, or listen to a song that tugs at my heart-strings….
I am not always...
ready for company…. I like my moments of self-exile.
I make with my hands...
tasty food.
I write...
as I enjoy it.
I confuse...
whenever I do mental math.
I need...
friends and books, sometimes not necessarily in that order.
I should try...
to be more money savvy …
I listen to...
M. S. Subbalakshmi, Unnikrishnan, Priya Sisters, Yesudas, old hindi, Malayalam film songs.
I find...
demanding people very tiresome.
I dislike...
narrow-mindedness, arrogance, backbiting and snobbery.
I have...
a good sense of humour that helps me sail in the turbulent sea of daily life.
I'd like...
to ensure that everyone treats their parents with love and respect.
I expect...
to write my novel in the next two years.
I finish...
with great expectations of many people reading this.


  1. ah!wish to visit Rome & Vatican? Guess what stares at you in the Sisitine Chppel? Bill Boards saying... bEWARE OF PICKPOCKETS!!!!!
