Monday, February 19, 2007


Two decades and some years back…
When I followed you during Saptapadi,
When you committed yourself to me,
For better or for worse,
In health and in illness
Before seeing all my idiosyncrasies,
When you said ‘kubool’…
I forgot to ask you,
Will you be my Valentine?

Two scores of years…
When the gynec snipped off the umbilical cord,
I quietly took it back and tied it
Well and tight …
Around You, Me and the Twins…
Secure, snug and strong…!
Never asking you…
If you were my Valentine!

We stayed tied…
Through colic, teething, insomnia,
Homework, competitions, tests, exams,
Bruises, braces, admissions, performance,
License, heartbreak…dreams of future
Since you were always with me
During my fears, doubts and occasional tears,
I forgot to ask you
Are you my Valentine?

Sands of time…strands of grey…
We watched our fledglings
Poised for flight
Each like a Jonathan Livingston Seagull,
Stretching his wings to hug his destiny,
Comfortable silences, shared smiles,
Warm togetherness,
Sans overtness…
Just the deep understanding that
Together, we have journeyed
Life’s long trek…Still I haven’t
Asked you if you’re my Valentine!

When you say…
This is what I’ve done for you,
In case I am not there…
A sharp jolt in my heart hurts me a lot!
I say, what if I am not there?
And when you look crestfallen,
At the possibility,
I realize….
You are my Valentine- my very own Valentine!

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