Sunday, November 19, 2006


Today, I learnt another lesson – a valuable one at that. I met my ex-boss…..the big boss, in fact, after a long time. Of course, I had tried to meet him a couple of times after returning from India, but busy as he had been, I was somehow unable to meet him. I should have called, but, does one call one’s ex-boss and say ‘ Hey, I’m back….'???? Will that be translated as… 'Can I have my job back?' And is it the done thing to ring up someone so high up in the ladder with this notion that he would welcome a call from the ranks? I am a true avatar of Hamlet and went around mouthing ‘to ring or not to ring……’ and finally decided that there is no question about it….I don’t trouble the big man! And today, the great man magnanimously comes to meet me when I am in the premises of his empire and makes me feel smaller than a worm! His reproachful words fill me with shame. Inverted snobbery is as bad to sport as snobbery itself! I learnt an important lesson today. I don’t mind apologizing if I am in the wrong…. And I did, and apparently, it was accepted with the élan, the man is quite famous for! I stand corrected…. Some people have class…. Unparalleled class! Kudos FAW!

1 comment:

  1. Lol. FAW. N elan, yes. There IS an aura bout him, yea?
    So, are you gettin back 2 work, ma'am? You really must NOT deprive the youth of yourself. :)
